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Saturday 30 January 2016

2nd entry : new year 2016

Salam semua..first of all thank you darlings for your time to read my 1st entry. Statistics shows so encouraging..dat is why i'm looking forward for my  2nd entry..unfortunately, my blog seem to be updated on weekend due to my busy schedule on weekdays. I will try to update as much as possible 👌

How's your day last week?? I have 3 papers which need approval by CEO & Committee..and all approved!! Huhhhh.. mimpi yg lena lps tu 😪😪 the day before the meetings i had meeting in person with CEO n CFO alone..where is my boss?? Sighh..alhamdulillah all went well.who says women is not capable as compared to men?? We are good too..look i'm 5 months pregnant lady babe..(perception i guess)

Okla early Jan 2016 i hv trip with my little family yo JB!! wehoooo JDT yaw..don't hate JDT so much people!! They are good now..Adrian looks like more love to themepark as compared to sight seeing..he really enjoy the legoland park & thomas land..we cannot compare between themepark in malaysia and international..dat is not apple to apple comparison has own unique and creation..if you have opportunity to be in any disneyland, you can found its totally different.. 😉 trust me!! Don't simply judge malaysia pun ada..come on!!

So enjoy our pictures!!!! I'm so nervous for my 2nd checkup on this coming friday..if my gynae can confirm once again gender of my baby, insyallah o will share with all of nk tnggu bsalin jek?? Hahaha..budget retisss gitu...ouchh..maybe i might postpone my next entry after chinese new year..balik kampung ahhh..ok till then..bye.happy weekend..positive always..

Sunday 24 January 2016


When you have busy days with your workload, weekend must be something you waiting for..cuti 3 hari pasti akan digunakan sebaik2nye..right?

let me share my weekend with you...lalala

I'm craving banana leaf since before I knew that i'm pregnant.. (naluri keibuan I must say).. during that time, me and husband searching at cyberjaya area..unfortunately dat rest was closed at 2100 hours.. :(

today early in the morning I already asked husband to take me to bangsar area..oh many..many banana leaf rest.. I choosed Raj banana leaf rest at Jalan Telawi 3. fully satisfied guys..hehehe

rushing to going back as I have appointment with bibik..berurut is all u you need at 21 weeks of pregnancy.. this mama are back with fresh body and mind..

last but not least, enjoying my green tea from Starbucks.. so yummyliciousss... till then..xoxo